Tuesday 20 December 2011


      Assalammualaikum and very good evening to all my friend.^:^...

   Alhamdulilah,i feel good today and happy.For your information,today i want to share with you all about english class yesterday.Yesterday,we learned about CONTEXTUAL CLUES and this topic present by group 2 from boy.CONTEXTUAL CLUES are divide by 7 such as SYNONM,ANTOYNM,DEFINITON,EXPLANATION,EXAMPLES,EXPERIENCE and GENERAL CLUES.
     This topic are very interesting and useful to us.Especially,when you read like newspaper,magazine or book,you don't understand 1 word in 1 sentence.For examples: I took the tome off the shelf and opened it to page 95 Then I began to read.You dont understand the meaning of word tome.Then,you must to find clues in this sentence,clues in this sentence are Shelf, Page 95 and Read.Automaticly, we know the meaning of word tome is BOOK because that clues in the explanation is connected with word tome.
      Finally, CONTEXTUAL CLUES are very interesting and useful to us.We no need to open or find the word in dictionary.Then, this manner can improve your vocabulary in english to more better.I and my friends so enjoyed yesterday learned this topic.I think thats all  for today.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

New words I learnt in last week's class (30.11.2011)

     Today,i want to share a interisting topic about a new words I learnt in last week's class on 30.11.2011.
Thats day,my teacher gives me and friends some game.We were told to doit this game in group,my group has 3 person as Syahirah,Khairunnisa and me.We were so excited to doit these game.First game,we must to row the words to a correct words.In these game,i get three new words as waist,nutmeg and date.Waist is a part of body,nutmeg and date are names of fruits.But ,we were not win in first game because we not know one words and a words is date.We were so frust because another group get to answer all words.But,we were not give up because we have a second game.In last game,we must change one letter each time.In these game i get four new words as sole,beat, neat and tear.The meaning sole is the bottom of shoe,beat is is defeat someone in a game,neat is tidy and in order and the last one is tear,the meaning of  tear is drop of liquid that comes from eye when cry.We were so fast and excited to doit these games.We were so happy because we win in these games and get 1 marks for each person.Thanks miss....
   Okay.Thats all..Salam....^:^